Wanted to all over the Finland! We are hiring CNC bending machine operators. Programming skill is required. The skill of working on CNC ...

Pievienots: 27 aprīlis 2021, Numurs: 23030, Rīga
Ražošana, enerģētika
Uzņēmums: Alvasar LLC 
Darba apstākļi: Darba dienas 
Valodu zināšanas: Angļu 
Wanted to all over the Finland!
We are hiring CNC bending machine operators. Programming skill is required. The skill of working on CNC bending machines is a must. The plant has Baykal bending presses and a Delem control system.

To be successful, you must be analytical and good at solving problems. You’ll also need to be comfortable reading blueprints and mechanical drawings.
Do you have special skills and relevant experience? Don"t hesitate to send us your CV

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