We would be very happy to consider and invite you to future suitability assessment procedures for further permanent positions in our company. ...

Pievienots: 21 februāris 2020, Numurs: 12001, Cits
Apsardze, drošība
Uzņēmums: ibs® International Operative Services eK 
Darba apstākļi: Cits 
Izglītība: Augstākā 
Valodu zināšanas: Angļu, Lietuviešu, Vācu, Krievu 
We would be very happy to consider and invite you to future suitability assessment procedures for further permanent positions in our company.

For more information, Job vacancies and employment opportunities please visit our website:

Also, we would like to invite you to follow us on social media on Facebook facebook.com/i.b.s.superyacht/ and Linkedin linkedin.com/company/i-b-s-international-operative-services/ to get the latest updates and career opportunities.

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